What is stress?

Saturday, 7 June 2008

Stress Defined
What is stress? Why do people say "I feel stressed!"? The most common source of stress comes from dealing with difficult people, and, according to psychology experts, stress itself and feeling stress are results of chemicals being released from the body in to the blood, and happen as a result of actions that take place outside the body. Whether it is dealing with difficult people or that problem with a dripping tap effect- or something as simple as a rainy day, these can all cause feelings of stress or anxiety. Identical to an infection, a small problem gets worse if left to develop. Stress levels resulting from stressful situations are often worsened because they are dwelt upon instead of being rationalized. Hence, the most stressed people are often not the most rational.

Reasons for stress
Apart from partners, where do almost all confrontations occur? The workplace. More specific- certain difficult people in your workplace. After all, you spend the majority of your waking hours working. Bosses generally spend the most time dealing with dificult people, although jobs dealing with the public can be stressful in this way too. In order to own and respect yourself, you must be equipped at dealing with difficult people effectively, and, according to two surveys conducted in 2006-07(conducted by labour force*), over half a million people in the UK thought that they were experiencing stress at work to an extent where it was affecting their health. In other words, they weren't equipped. Not all stress can be blamed on difficult people, but alot can be traced back. That shows a lot of people who can't solve their problems effectively, and that's just the ones that admit to it- the actual figure is far greater!

*Surveys conducted by Labour Force for Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETINI)

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