Stress at work

Thursday, 12 June 2008

What are the main causes for stress at work? Outside of many high flying executive jobs, it isn’t an aggressive boss breathing down your neck or even Jobs in the emergency service sectors! Stress at work has many causes, most of them however, trace back to financial reasons or public relations.

Levels or stress at work

A survey in Canada which monitored stress at work, showed a factory worker is more likely to feel psychological strain than a policeman. And, according to Montreal University, the countries’ manufacturing sector should have a public-health inspection on their shop floors due to the rise in the number of troubled employees. The study also shows that employees in labouring or manufacturing departments report the poorest mental health, while other jobs with higher predicted levels of stress at work like emergency service jobs have a mentally healthy workforce in comparison.
The professor behind the study expressed surprise at the results of the survey and suggested workload and exposure to inappropriate working materials as some of the reasons for the mental stress at work.

Employees cause some stress at work

The International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) survey in 2002 shows that whilst some PPE is not provided by the boss, many factory workers disregard PPE provided by their employer out of choice, with style and comfort being the most common reasons, while others said it got in the way when trying to do the job.

Causes of stress at work

Many of these factory workers, however, do not realize the re-percussions of their actions and that they are exposing themselves to long term damages affecting their job, while line managers may turn a blind eye to safety measures because of loss of productivity and out of anxiousness for good relations with workers.
Only a few factories have best practices in place and fewer still send their employees on safety courses where they can be shown how to lift and handle equipment correctly. These are the main factors which contribute to the workers well being, but are neglected for financial reasons. Unfortunately, stress at work costs over £530 million- and that’s just in Britain.

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