Using difficult people to your advantage (pt. 1)

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Using difficult people is a lot easier than you think. Often when people think of “using” people, they think of a scheming, tactical approach when in fact – there is a simple way to do it. As mentioned in this post (see top- The MOST difficult people), difficult people are good at bossing people around. By giving them a set of instructions, they can confidently and effectively show someone else how to do a job, whilst feeling a sense of importance because they are being used- this will put them on the companies’ side. Also, it makes you look like less of a taskmaster.

In order to make a set of instructions clear, you must be explicit and abrupt. Don’t be afraid to split hairs when you have to, if it gets the job done quicker. Remember- most of the time, precise instructions eliminate decisions and therefore tend toward perfection. Just make sure you have considered all the ways of doing a job first!

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